Javawolf's Awesome Blog

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Making a Bombalurina Cats Costume, Pictures of Authentic Costume Shown Here!

Bombalurina, The Red Cat!!!

Okay, yup, raaaannnndddooooom. Didja miss me? I haven't been posting - summer makes me lazy. Anyway. Today I finished my Broadway Bombalurina wig. To those who don't know, Bomba is a gorgeous red cat from CATS. My costume is based off the one worn by Marlene Danielle, who played Bombalurina on Bway for a whopping 17 YEARS. Of singing and dancing in a hot costume every day. Woo. Props to da Marlene, G. Word.

I'm making da tail and just ordered the unitard. I am drinking red Kool Aid. I also ordered white, black, orange and yellow 'pots' of Ben Nye Creme Liners. It's high quality stage makeup. Looks great, and you can SWIM IN A POOL THEN TAKE A SHOWER and only have to do a few touch ups on the makeup. Amazing.

Wanna see a pic of Marlene Danielle as Bomba? Look up...

That's a pretty good shot of her on the right. It's from the Broadway CATS calender, published in about 2000. It's neat...she's applying makeup like a person. Funny funny. Laugh laugh. Cough hack hack. Imagine how many costumes that woman went through in 17 years. Cha.

Above on the left is more of what my cossie shall look like. Pretty gosh durn similar, no? Different tail. Funny funny. Laugh laugh. Cough hack hack and so on.

Luff from de awesome Javawolf <3

See you next post. Muahaha.


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