Javawolf's Awesome Blog

An awesome blog for awesome people - that means YOU shouldn't be here. Erm, okay, okay...just kidding...

Monday, June 12, 2006

First post. Eva.

Molly got a blog. Which inspired me to get a blog. So now I have a blog. Squee! I decided that at the end of each post, I'll have a sentence or quote of the day. Sound good? Good.

So. School was Field Day. Fun games! Refreshing water! Fruity Otter Pops! And all friends! (except Melissa still is sick. But I don't know her waaay to well.) Random Fact: For lunch I had a sandwich, Doritos, and a banana. But I feel sad because I didn't eat poor Mr. Banana. So Mister Banana, I am so sorry I did not insert you into my body and later digest you. You are greatly missed. Seriously! :(

Quote of the Day: "It's a 60's party from a 60's movie!"


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Don't you hate it when the Doritos soakes up the flavor of the banana and the doritos taste like nacho cheese banana? That's why I hate bananas in my lunch!
(Molly's cousin-Jana)


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