Javawolf's Awesome Blog

An awesome blog for awesome people - that means YOU shouldn't be here. Erm, okay, okay...just kidding...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

This one's for you, Miss K.

I don't feel well. Boredness! And anyone in Miss K's class should know how much she likes poetry. So what do I do when sick and bored? I write a poem for Miss Kokich to read, of course! Here it is. Enjoy.

The Last Day of School

The bell rings out its taunting song
And I know the day is done
Sadness fills me, replaces glee
I hug Ms. Kokich, she hugs back
And at last I know I'll never walk through these doors again
I know I can change that
I can work here someday
or visit...
Caitlyn tells me to follow her
I walk with her and some others
A surprise? how wonderful!
But I remember - I'll never walk through these doors again
Outside waits a limo
My eyes grow wide
We talk excitedly, what's going on?
Ms. Kokich steps out from the school's doors
I hug her once more
And get a picture
For I'll never walk through these doors again
Kathy Naylor tells us we're going to McDonalds first
We look inside the limo
Green velvet fills the ceiling
Flashing lights change colors fast
We feel so important, like stars
But do stars ever think -
"I'll never walk through these doors again?"
The sleek limo pulls out
Screams of delight fill the air
Smiles etched upon every face
Thoughts of summer vacation echo through minds,
Circle 'round brains
Chatting replaces the screams
And though I talk, smiling large
I look back once more and remember
That now it's final.

I'll never walk through these doors again.
Sunday, June 18th, 2006


A Disneyland poem is coming later.

Quote of the Day:
"Something amazing, I guess."


At 12:10 AM, Blogger Javawolf said...

LOL Molly!
I still need to give Ms K my blog address. Anyways I'm not really as sad as the poem states -hehe-


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