Javawolf's Awesome Blog

An awesome blog for awesome people - that means YOU shouldn't be here. Erm, okay, okay...just kidding...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Forgot to post yesterday...

I'm currently eating breakfast. Macaroni and cheese wheels, apples, cookies, and Coke Blak. I'm tired.

Yesterday Midnight (known to most as Zoe) and I danced in class again. No one seemed exactly pleased with the 'impressive dance.' Oh well. Later I went to his (known to most as her) house. We danced even more and ate pasta and ate KFC and yeah.

Okay, it's 4:13 PM now. We had fifth grade graduation/send-off and party today. So fun. The lunch was just about fancier than any restaurant I've been to in awhile. Great slideshow! Baby pictures, camp pictures...great background music. And a few videos. Yup. Too fun.
To Molly: Chac Balam told me to tell you "Skilla Biscuit", but I'm not sure what he was talking about ;)

Okay, since I didn't post yesterday there are two quotes of the day.

Quote of the Day: "Aw, Molly's a party pooper!...and the party poop is steamy..."

Yesterday's Quote of the Day: "Funny Girl is SO funny! Especially that one girl!"


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Javawolf said...

I said one and Zoe said the one about Funny Girl.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Javawolf said...

I said the poop one on Field Day. And Funny Girl is some movie.


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