Javawolf's Awesome Blog

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Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 15-17th

Uggh! I forgot to post...alot. So here...

June 15th - Last Day of School

Last day of elementary...ever :'( Sad. We had a huge classroom auction, I bought a foldable chair for 3,000 dollars (don't worry, paper classroom money!)
At the end of the day Caitlyn brought me, Zoe, Molly, Piper, Katie D., Katie R., Skyler, Maddie, Hanna, Tori, and Kelsey outside to the front, and what do we see? A white Lincoln Navigator (or Explorer?) limo! Squee! Kathy (Caitlyn's mom) rented it for us for a last-day-of-school adventure. It was sooo cool inside, there was a mirror on the ceiling with little tiny lights scattered around it, and velvet on the rest. Comfy leather seats. Colorful flashing lights under the seats. Drink holders. Two TVs, a Playstation Two. A mirror in the back with a light around it that slowly turned yellow to green. And champagne glasses!
We went to McDonalds first. I got Mr.Pibb, nuggets, and a cheeseburger. Skyler made a prank phone call to the number 867-5309 asking if Jenny was there! We went to Owen's Beach and ate for awhile. Then to the mall! The drive was long for some reason. Maddie, Skyler, and someone else mooned people. Yes, they mooned people. Skyler and I got unsafely hot in there. Only two windows open.
At the mall we went to claire's and Kathy bought tiaras for everyone. At Limited Too I got candy, a White Lupe neopets plushie clip, and a Spotted Gelert neopets doorhanger. Lastly we went to see Stick It. It was a day I'll never forget.

Quote of the Day:
"Is Jenny there?" "" "Aw, I think that makes me really sad!" "What...?" "I said, I think that makes me really sad - No, don't hang up! I have a cold - achoo! - here's my translator."

June 16 - Wierdest Party Ever

At my house, I held an end-of-the-year party. Not a normal one - a party with a mashed potatos and whip cream fight. Scary, huh? It was sooooo fun. The guests were Jillie, Katie, Tori, Zoe, Ali, Piper, Emily, Molly, Caitlyn, her brother Ryan and Meriel. Jillie attemped going down the slide head first. Big mistake. She got stuck at the end and we smothered potatoes and whip cream all over her hair. Then we all took showers and everyone's hair smelled worse than anything I have ever smelled, EVER. Then we played brownie frisbee using a big round burnt brownie. That was...wild. Good fun.

Quote of the Day:
"To all who come to this happy place - welcome."

June 17 - Molly's Pool Party

Molly held a party, as the title suggests. We swam alot. It was me, Molly, Piper, Emily, Caitlyn, and for some reason Seth. We also had pizza. It was extremely fun and funny and great! But after I left I started feeling sick. Boo.

Quote of the Day:
"Are you goin' gothic on me?"


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