Javawolf's Awesome Blog

An awesome blog for awesome people - that means YOU shouldn't be here. Erm, okay, okay...just kidding...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just clearing a few things up

Hey everyone. I just wanted to check in, and clear up some stuff.
First things first: I am NOT the only Javawolf!
I recently discovered quite a few other people go by Javawolf as a nickname. So if you happen to google Javawolf or come across some creepy person or site with Javawolf as the name, chances are, it's NOT me. The only places you'll find the me-Javawolf are:
  • My CATS site, or others
  • My blog

Yeah. Two places, if you don't count my MSN Messenger name. So no, I don't use myspace, if there's a Javawolf there. Or any other site with a Javawolf. :)

G2G...more later!