Javawolf's Awesome Blog

An awesome blog for awesome people - that means YOU shouldn't be here. Erm, okay, okay...just kidding...

Friday, July 21, 2006


Le title says it all. Today is the master of heat. Woo! Talk about roasting out there. A minute or so and you feel a tad bit sweaty.

Umm. Today I bought a wig head, paint, a feather boa, and paintbrushes. Painted a wig head to look like Bombalurina. Worked on Griddlebone costume. Will write more tomorrow.

Quote of the Day: "Why do birds appear whenever you are near..." - creepy Mirrormask robots!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Making a Bombalurina Cats Costume, Pictures of Authentic Costume Shown Here!

Bombalurina, The Red Cat!!!

Okay, yup, raaaannnndddooooom. Didja miss me? I haven't been posting - summer makes me lazy. Anyway. Today I finished my Broadway Bombalurina wig. To those who don't know, Bomba is a gorgeous red cat from CATS. My costume is based off the one worn by Marlene Danielle, who played Bombalurina on Bway for a whopping 17 YEARS. Of singing and dancing in a hot costume every day. Woo. Props to da Marlene, G. Word.

I'm making da tail and just ordered the unitard. I am drinking red Kool Aid. I also ordered white, black, orange and yellow 'pots' of Ben Nye Creme Liners. It's high quality stage makeup. Looks great, and you can SWIM IN A POOL THEN TAKE A SHOWER and only have to do a few touch ups on the makeup. Amazing.

Wanna see a pic of Marlene Danielle as Bomba? Look up...

That's a pretty good shot of her on the right. It's from the Broadway CATS calender, published in about 2000. It's neat...she's applying makeup like a person. Funny funny. Laugh laugh. Cough hack hack. Imagine how many costumes that woman went through in 17 years. Cha.

Above on the left is more of what my cossie shall look like. Pretty gosh durn similar, no? Different tail. Funny funny. Laugh laugh. Cough hack hack and so on.

Luff from de awesome Javawolf <3

See you next post. Muahaha.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Woah! Summer and no posts

Summer fun's been making me forget to post! Happy 4th Of July everyone. It's still too early for anything to have happened that's exciting, so I'll edit later. What you've missed: I stayed the night at Cinnimon and Dot (Katie and Jillie)'s house and went boating with them the next day. I'm making a snow leopard fursuit. I finished my new Cats costume, Jellylorum. I tried a free style dance class. I might go to a furry con for my b-day, in Idaho.

Anyways, yesterday's post of fun:

Okay yesterday Cinnimon and Dot came over (not sure why, my mom/owner organized the 'event') and we rode a ferry to Vashon Island. Ferries remind me of camp...and of fairies. Vashon Island has this place in front of the water with picnic tables and an awesome big toy. We played on the toy, which seemed to be designed to look like a boat called the "S.S. Dockton."
Well we ended up calling it the S.S. Mau and pretending to be owners of a cruise ship going to Thailand, then coming from Thailand to Alaska. It was actually quite fun. Before that we had a fried chicken-watermelon-shoestring potatoes-chips picnic.
Then we took a break and went out in front of the water. There was muck everywhere! The dreaded sea-muck notorious for being in front of the Red Beach House and sucking up your shoes!
We got quite dirty. Dot (Jillie) fell and got much muck on her. Then what do we spot, caught in the muck with waves lapping at its green-skinned goodness? HALF A WATERMELON, sitting there at sea. Possibly dropped off some boat. I picked it up, it was fresh, all parts intact, with muck on the actual fruit part. Twas funny, as Dot said earlier, "Watermelons grow in the water."
So I picked it up and we walked back to mom and dad, laughing SO HARD. Cinnimon (Katie) looked like she was gonna die. I dropped it on the grass and Dot smashed it. Then we went in the bathroom to wash off, only showers cost 25 cents. So we washed our feet and hands off in the sink, later remembering the sign above the sink that says:
"Please, please, please do not use this sink to wash sand off of children or pets. Sand clogs the drain."
So then we took a bag of cookies. And you know how big toys have those floors with little holes all over? Well two of us went in the bottom and someone else on top smashed cookie through the holes for the person below to catch in their hand/mouth. We used the whole rest of the bag doing that ^.^ Soon we left. In the car we asked if we could stay in the car on the ferry. Dad said yes, so we decided to have a staying-in-the-van club.
We saw a lemonade stand. We got wonderful raspberry lemonade. Then the final club name came to us: The Car Cats Papier Mache Caffiene Latte Ten Hours Later Raspberry Urine Club. So perfect! Then we boarded the ferry. Dot wanted to go with my mom and dad, so she did. Just Cinnimon and I in the van. We bent the seats back and slid down them, ate chips, drank Dr. Pepper, and noticed how wierd it is to be in a parked van on a moving ferry.
At home, my grandma was IN THE BACKYARD! So she went to dinner with mom and Cinnimon, Dot, and I swam in my medium-sized-kinda-small-superfun-pool. The End.
More later about the Fourth.

Yesterday's Quote of the Day: "Numa numa iei, Numa numa numa iei!" and "The Car Cats Papier Mache Caffiene Latte RASPBERRY URINE CLUB! Hey woah hey, fine be that way, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want..."

Today's Quote of the Day: None yet.